Before starting this blog we wanted to share our adventure in the network, to give courage and strength, who, like us, suddenly you are in a sketchy situation and hopelessness.
Os Angeles wrote thus forum
Hello to all / os.
Took several months, I would say that many reading the forum, but I have never decided to participate, perhaps did not feel like ....
Now is the time to do me, I felt almost a moral obligation to write, and send a message of encouragement. I summarize a bit of our history.
In March 2009 we decided to start trying to have a baby, with all the enthusiasm in the world ... When he spent a year and na na, we started with testing .... and as ye shall have guessed from the title, the famous little word "oligoasthenoteratozoospermia". ... Take ya ... My tests went well, but hey, that did not matter .... k the cold water was incredible .... And summarizing much .... they sent Androferti and ferti aquilea for 6 months alternating over and over every month and repeat semen .... Well what our surprise when in January of this year we will repeat the test and LEAVE PEORRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!! No we could not believe (by the way, the urologist either ....) we had been watching a lot, taking medicine, etc and worse out .... K disappointment. The first days were horrible but once you have taken k k go to assisted reproduction, we trankilizamos a bit longer follow up front pa ... A friend told us we took all modes k Andean maca was buenÃsimoooo k and for any treatment we could use. ... And so we did discover k .... and we were both much better and even had more desire ... !! Anyway April 10 k k me I had to come down and tachánnnnnnnnn not dropped and did not drop and still did not lose and I did my test on Monday 11 pk was in Ginefiv to start treatment and I did a vaginal echo and not me said nothing .... thus deduced k or joke was, but going to gigs day gave me a very strange dizziness in the car and decided k I did the test and there was girls tHE POSITIVOOOOOOOO.
I still can not believe it and am looking forward k on May 6 k me confirm all goes well, I am aware pk k can go wrong ... but so far we have achieved .... It was a matter of time, patience and resignation .....
And I do not believe in miracles .... because it is a ray of hope k can be achieved ....
submitted on 22/04/11 at 11:08
Congratulations! meriwell30
Congratulations! I also had a similar experience to yours and, like you, I hope to send encouragement to all that you are in the same situation. In our case, my husband had oligoasthenoteratozoospermia and I have polycystic ovaries. After 10 months of searching and searching and frustration after frustration, they said it was impossible I would fall pregnant naturally and we derived a CRA. All this coincided with a very bad news in the family and decided to postpone the visit. Well, and I summarize: two months ago my period did not come (but it was not unusual with PCOS) and I felt terrible and my mother 'forced' to make me a pregnancy test and ... SURPRISE was pregnant. When I went to see my gine, hallucinated. She was 8 weeks! To all this, the pregnancy was great and on Monday my son will be 4 years. In addition, last year, without looking or thinking, I went back to stay in state, but at 12 weeks the thing stopped (things in life). With my story I want to say that there is hope, sometimes medicine is very clear, but (and this will sound a little cheesy) things that have to happen happen, one way or another.
Good luck to all!
submitted on 28/07/11 at 18:19
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