Jumat, 21 November 2014

Princess is the prettiest thing on this plane

Today, May 29, and six months after that day when Paula came into this world

I remember it all in my mind as if it had been much longer, but in turn, I have flown past six months, if I had to be reduced to one word, it would certainly be Love.

But in this post he wanted to devote to list so many things that now I have not had before, as many as before and now I have had, and a lot of things I now know and did not know before.

- I have a six mesecitos Princess is the prettiest thing on this planet, and that before he was in our lives, never imagined could come to love so much.
- I have a dad Paula I already had, but he has given and continues to give as much height as a couple and as a father, who can love you more.
- I have a decent ability best songwriters, to invent and transform lullabies and songs that only talk about my princess.
- I am very, very sleepy! and superhuman strength that makes sticking a jump at the first sigh of the baby in the middle of the night.
- I always have tears to the surface, and cry a lot faster than before, especially if I find any injustice committed against children.
- I always wanted to laugh, dance and play with my little, and when I get angry at something or someone, just have to look at your face happens to me all at once !.
- I and read a stack of books on pregnancy, parenting, breastfeeding, babies, ... and never have enough !.I always want more !.
- I have much more knowledge than before parenting, follow a lot of blogs that talk about it. And I've discovered that there is so much on the internet about attachment parenting, which has made me see I'm not alone in many of the things I thought.And every day more and more !.
- I have a lot more enthusiasm if they fit, to devote my training and experience everything about parenting and children in general. Having Paula has not only increased my desire to know everything that has to do with your needs, your little world and its relation to our big world.
- I have more capacity (though not all desirable) to not affect me other people's comments about the "bad habits" that kid with my daughter.
- Do not feel like going out at night.
- Do not feel the need to talk so much about, to have my own time without it, or return to work, or having what they call my personal space just for me. Now my space no longer conceive without it. Fortunately or unfortunately my time to myself will return when she begins to reclaim his all to herself ...
- I developed an incredible ability to do all sorts of things with it above or next to me. Pluck my eyebrows, reading and writing on the computer, cut or file the nails, brush my teeth, eat! ha ha ha.
- I have a kind of nostalgia every time I see a belly, and now that I do not hear anyone feel a little envy, and I would still feel pregnant again.
- I have two breasts full of milk they are able to feed my baby and fight a lot of diseases.
- I have a super-power that no one else in my family has, and that is when Paula has crippled much much sleep, and my arms make snuggle in them and they are closing their eyes go alone.

- And since very few days ago, we can take a walk, and take the chubby finger to mouth !. But yes, only the fat, it seems that others do not liked them away and we ... The only sucks his thumb.

- But above all, I have the good fortune to have lived the best experience as a woman could live. Go slowly creating for 9 months my baby, feel it inside me how grew, feel made its way into the world and have been with him day by day, minute by minute, during these six months. It is a gift you have given me life and the worth anything. Tips hidup sehat

Beginning next month, will be another story ... We can no longer spend all day together, but I'm sure we'll still stronger and overcome!


Oligoastenoteratozoospermia and natural pregnancy angieyrick

Before starting this blog we wanted to share our adventure in the network, to give courage and strength, who, like us, suddenly you are in a sketchy situation and hopelessness.

Os Angeles wrote thus www.enfemenino.com forum

Hello to all / os.

Took several months, I would say that many reading the forum, but I have never decided to participate, perhaps did not feel like ....

Now is the time to do me, I felt almost a moral obligation to write, and send a message of encouragement. I summarize a bit of our history.

In March 2009 we decided to start trying to have a baby, with all the enthusiasm in the world ... When he spent a year and na na, we started with testing .... and as ye shall have guessed from the title, the famous little word "oligoasthenoteratozoospermia". ... Take ya ... My tests went well, but hey, that did not matter .... k the cold water was incredible .... And summarizing much .... they sent Androferti and ferti aquilea for 6 months alternating over and over every month and repeat semen .... Well what our surprise when in January of this year we will repeat the test and LEAVE PEORRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!! No we could not believe (by the way, the urologist either ....) we had been watching a lot, taking medicine, etc and worse out .... K disappointment. The first days were horrible but once you have taken k k go to assisted reproduction, we trankilizamos a bit longer follow up front pa ... A friend told us we took all modes k Andean maca was buenísimoooo k and for any treatment we could use. ... And so we did discover k .... and we were both much better and even had more desire ... !! Anyway April 10 k k me I had to come down and tachánnnnnnnnn not dropped and did not drop and still did not lose and I did my test on Monday 11 pk was in Ginefiv to start treatment and I did a vaginal echo and not me said nothing .... thus deduced k or joke was, but going to gigs day gave me a very strange dizziness in the car and decided k I did the test and there was girls tHE POSITIVOOOOOOOO.

I still can not believe it and am looking forward k on May 6 k me confirm all goes well, I am aware pk k can go wrong ... but so far we have achieved .... It was a matter of time, patience and resignation .....

And I do not believe in miracles .... because it is a ray of hope k can be achieved ....
submitted on 22/04/11 at 11:08

Congratulations! meriwell30
Congratulations! I also had a similar experience to yours and, like you, I hope to send encouragement to all that you are in the same situation. In our case, my husband had oligoasthenoteratozoospermia and I have polycystic ovaries. After 10 months of searching and searching and frustration after frustration, they said it was impossible I would fall pregnant naturally and we derived a CRA. All this coincided with a very bad news in the family and decided to postpone the visit. Well, and I summarize: two months ago my period did not come (but it was not unusual with PCOS) and I felt terrible and my mother 'forced' to make me a pregnancy test and ... SURPRISE was pregnant. When I went to see my gine, hallucinated. She was 8 weeks! To all this, the pregnancy was great and on Monday my son will be 4 years. In addition, last year, without looking or thinking, I went back to stay in state, but at 12 weeks the thing stopped (things in life). With my story I want to say that there is hope, sometimes medicine is very clear, but (and this will sound a little cheesy) things that have to happen happen, one way or another.
Good luck to all!
submitted on 28/07/11 at 18:19

Here also founded the newspaper

Natural de Caldas

Protestant pastor, grammarian, journalist and abolitionist - , MG, born on 11/08/1855. His father was a pharmacist and his mother a teacher. Been residing here, from the interior of São Paulo, in the late nineteenth century (1886-1888). Person of vast knowledge, professor of Portuguese and Latin (1886). It was quite harassed because of their religious beliefs. Still sought to found a core of the Presbyterian church. Kept in the Field, with the help of his friend and fellow pastor Joaquim Camargo, a renowned course of Portuguese and Latin. He is the author of "Expository Grammar of the Portuguese Language", whose first edition dates from 1907 and that for more than four decades has been adopted in the main schools of Brazil (and Portugal), including Gym Diocesan St. John of the campaign.

He was married, when already had a degree to the Ministry of the Word of his church, with Louise D'Alliges Lauper that after the wedding was renamed Luiza Pereira of Magalhães.Em Campaign created the "Brazilian Society of Evangelicals Treaties". Here also founded the newspaper "Journals of National Missions". 08/20/1886 The City Council requested the granting of an area within the City Cemetery for burial of their religion's followers (Presbyterian Church). This claim had tremendous impact on grounds of being Catholic cemetery. The application was in the office of President of the Province of Minas Gerais that referred to Mariana Bishopric you just denying authorization. With the advent of the republic in 1899 the situation was regularized, leaving an area of the cemetery intended for Protestants. Back in São Paulo took the view that the church should live with their own resources, without relying therefore on foreign aid. For this reason was the highest articulating the creation of the Independent Presbyterian Church ", thus achieving the desired ecclesiastical autonomy. He died on 03/02/1923. PSM, C: "Historical News Campaign of the City", Antonio Casadei, 1987.
Also the newspaper "Folha Campanhense" published an article about him written by Leonardo Lima.

My feelings família.Guardo fond memories of Dona Maria Nani.
Campaign lose a person who had been in the memory of many for the kindness and dedication. A hug family and Campanhenses. /
Dione Fonseca
click here


Anônimo9 April 2012 13:09
Thank you on behalf of Nani family for this beautiful tribute to our beloved Aunt Mary. Elisete Lefol Nani Carvalho


Anônimo9 April 2012 13:27
We are honored to be given the opportunity to live with such a pure soul, our dear Aunt Mary. Maira Nani - Uberlândia / MG


Diogo Nani9 April 2012 15:17
I believe the sky is still in party ... Beautiful tribute, thank you for caring.


Anamaria Fonseca9 April 2012 17:53
I have good memories of it. It was a super friend of my grandmother. May God always keep by your side!


Anônimo10 April 2012 04:54
Tia Maria.
Pure soul, Generous, Charitable, Friendly, surely a case of being human ... and thank God I had the opportunity to live with ela.Com certainly have a place in the sky very special.
Congratulations to the site by the honor.
Frederick Sales and Family


Anônimo10 April 2012 07:20
Through this blog I am taking note of the death of the estimated Dona Maria Nani. My husband and I had great admiration for her. In addition to his kindness, simplicity, friendship was our teacher of catechism and always treated us with great affection. Goodness in person !!!!!!!!!! she rest in peace. Hug the whole family Nani.
Be actress and Carlos Alberto Reis Assuncao Paraguay


Anônimo10 April 2012 11:31
With immense sorrow I received the news of his death days ago. She was an example of love of neighbor. He dedicated his entire life to God and neighbor. How many and how many were educated in the Catholic faith by the words and teachings of Dona Maria Nani. The Catholic Church in the Field loses one of its most expressive women, that which stripping herself, knew educate ourselves to Christ.


guhnani14 April 2012 23:12
Thank you for the affection of you Aunt Mary is in heaven resando for us !!!
Gustavo Nani !!!

Ana Paula Dias of Pocos de Caldas

Maria Augusta Vasconcelos Varginha commenting on the news: I'm intrigued by the amount of information that refer to cultural importance Campaign, not only here for the South region of Minas, but throughout Brazil and that is stored on the shelves of libraries , museums, archives. The residents of Campaha, the campanhenses must have attended a weekly series on women in Minas, aired by EPTV, a few days ago, there was talk of a councilor in the 40s of the twentieth century and WHY NOT SPOKEN THIS WOMAN, THIS FEMINIST, SUCH NEWSPAPER IN CAMPAIGN IN 70's of the nineteenth century? I HAVE NEVER SEEN NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN CAMPAIGN to do REFERENCE TO THIS NEWSPAPER. WHY NOT CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCES: "THIS IS CAMPAIGN !!!" ??? It's amazing the cultural wealth of the city and no one does anything !!! ???

Dear Maria Augusta, grateful for the return. I took the liberty to disclose his indignation.
Will we have an answer?
Who will see live!
Posted by Joe Milton 16:53
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Anônimo30 May 2011 06:10
Ana Paula Dias of Pocos de Caldas commenting and highlighting the importance of campaign: Campaha a CITY MUSEUM, did not attend the National Museums Week! It would be a week to all over the south of Minas Gerais, at least part, visiting the city, staying more hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, cafeterias, bakeries provide more food, crafts, shops selling more ... finally, more job creation, income, better quality of life for all campanhenses but WEEK NATIONAL MUSEUMS NOT HAPPENED iN CAMPAIGN! CAMPAIGN IS THE CULTURAL CENTER OF MINE south, 200, 300 CITIES WHEN TELL YOUR STORY, TELL THE CAMPAIGN OF HISTORY! We need teachers, we need to exercise this campaign CULTURAL LEADERSHIP IN THE REGION, we rely on the information campaign on campaign to illustrate the content of our classes.


Anônimo30 May 2011 07:12
I am Giovana Ribeiro Varginha and if I may add more hints, campanhenses could do lists, website links, blogs, pages containing these cultural inforrmações on Campaign. And to complete, could disclose here on your blog the official addresses in which we find the cultural data for Campaign? Grateful. Giovana Ribeiro Varginha.


Anônimo2 June 2011 15:21
I take the comment to to remember the "absence" of Maria Martins in the Field. Why? Nilton Bastos


Anônimo7 June 2011 06:43
It is amazing even campaign not take action and make use of their potential and thereby generate employment and income. P does not understand!


Anônimo7 June 2011 16:02
Greetings to the creator of this blog! Campaign needed to have several blogs like this with the various issues that the city is featured! Luiz Paulo Dias


André9 June 2011 11:42
Dear Friends
The City Council Campaign provides countless aspects of the History of Campaign on your site, since 2009. Who still do not know the site is worth visiting. It is response to numerous inquiries from source (the) you (as).
Maria Augusta, the city of Varginha question for example the Journal of the 70s of XIX century. This issue is published since April 2009 in the House website. Worth a visit:


Anônimo9 June 2011 24:48


Anônimo10 June 2011 09:50
Campaign has all but have no one! Campaign could all but there is no competent people in the city! So our constituents depend on basic alms basket! Vania Melo


Anônimo10 June 2011 09:55
Why EPTV not talked about the feminist journal qnuando has reported on women in Minas, someone already called there, have discovered why Campaign not be recognized, not be valued? Vania Melo


Anônimo11 June 2011 09:23
There are many questions we all do about everything HAPPENS IN CAMPAIGN NOT !!!!! Help


Quality control and standardization of the final

Among the main advantages of the product 

Are increasing productivity and reducing the direct cost of fertilization, since it is possible to apply a lower dosage of NPK per hectare with superior performance. This is, among others, to facilitate the retention and slow release nutrient absorption, thus avoiding loss of nutrients by leaching, which also prevents contamination of rivers and lakes.

Fertilizer reduces up to 20% cost of fertilization and increases productivity: agronomic tests indicate the productivity gain from product
Credits: DivulgaçãoO biofertilizer of GEOMAN has shown very satisfactory results. Agronomic tests accompanied by technicians from the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) indicate the productivity gain from the product. By applying a dosage of 400 kg / ha of mineral fertilizer (NPK dose 52-132-00), commonly employed in crops in Brazil was possible to produce 12.9 t / ha maize. Already with the OM GEOMAN fertilizer with 55% of NPK dose (dose of NPK 28-72-00), it reached 13.7 tons / ha.

Quality control and standardization of the final product are other advantages of the fertilizer produced by the company. "Today, organic and organo-mineral fertilizers produced in the country are designed by hand, which does not allow the producers to ensure that different batches have the same amount of nutrients and micronutrients. As GEOMAN has access to a large volume of raw materials, you can ensure continuity in production. in addition, with thorough monitoring of the whole process, from composting to fertilizer production, ensure a product of higher quality than found in the market today, "says Kennedy Carvalho, chief operating officer of Geociclo.

Fertilizer reduces up to 20% cost of fertilization and increases productivity: In the tests is visible difference in the results between the types of fertilizer used
Credits: DivulgaçãoVeja which are the product advantages: increases the population of beneficial microorganisms to the soil and plants; directly reduces the cost of fertilization within 20% relative to the mineral fertilizer; increased productivity; retains and facilitates the absorption of slow release nutrients; prevents contamination of rivers and lakes for not allowing the leaching caused by chemicals used in agriculture; protects the soil salinization by high levels of mineral fertilization.

Other advantages are: displays simultaneously high NPK content and composted organic matter; superior mechanical properties (hardness, dust generation, density, uniformity); reduces the leaching of nutrients; quelatiza nutrients and links the elements to soil organic matter; disaggregates the clays compacted soils; gives cohesion to sandy soils; increases the cation exchange capacity (CEC); facilitates the transport of nutrients to the plant roots; have chelating effect on Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu; and prevents soil erosion.


Result of three years of intensive research, the accelerated biodegradation technology developed by Geociclo Biotechnology is able to treat organic waste from various sources, such as sludge refrigerators treatment plants, animal manure, filter cake and boiler ash, bagasse cane, sawdust, poultry bed, organic municipal waste, among others, turning them into organic and organo-mineral fertilizers with high added value.

The bioaceleradores are composed of naturally occurring bacteria and fungi plus basic nutrients for its development. This combination promotes the reduction of the level of organic carbon, and ratio of C / N to stabilize the compound and the elimination of bad smell. The technology is capable of reducing in 100 days the composting process, generating a biofertilizer in about 20 days. Thus, the production scale of the product becomes possible, which is not currently the case, since the traditional solution - natural composting - lasts on average 120 days.

Thus, what Geociclo proposed is an integrated solution that covers the entire production cycle. The company analyzes and plans customized solutions according to the waste generated and the type of client activity. This process involves the analysis of waste, the development of engineering structure, manufacture and sale of fertilizer.

"Some customers need only give a correct destination residues thereof. In other cases, the use in its activities, the produced fertilizer itself, leads to reduced costs with the acquisition of mineral fertilizer. In addition, the application of organic fertilizers and organo offers significant agronomic advantages. We analyze each case individually, and develop specific solutions for each customer, "says Ernani Judice, director of GEOMAN.

Selasa, 18 November 2014

Berat Badan Diet: Rekomendasi Umum

jenis diet
herbal contoh
Apapun jenis diet Anda pergi untuk melakukan, waktu itu sedang melakukan, yang kilo Anda ingin menurunkan berat, mereka harus memperhitungkan beberapa pertimbangan umum untuk semua jenis diet.
Anda harus minum sekitar dua liter air setiap hari. Selain itu, air adalah sumber utama belleza.Si menggabungkan lebih banyak buah dan sayuran, akan menggabungkan air yang sehat ... makanan hidup!
Mengurangi asupan pan.De memilih untuk makan roti roti

Hindari di semua biaya goreng, saus dan makanan pedas dan lemak.

Jangan minum minuman beralkohol atau yang mengandung gula.
Makan perlahan dan mengunyah comida.Evita Anda diam-diam menonton televisi saat makan ...
Jika Anda makan jauh dari rumah, meminta salad atau sayuran rebus dan daging panggang atau ikan, atau tortilla.

Selalu membuat latihan fisik jenis apa pun: berjalan, menari, bermain olahraga.
Memotivasi terus, ingat Anda sedang diet karena Anda ingin.
Jangan menggunakan makanan sebagai masalah katup melarikan diri.
Mengurangi atau berhenti.
Jadwal menghormati comidas.Comer beberapa kali sehari sehingga metabolisme aktif dan Anda dapat menurunkan berat badan dan tetap bugar.

Sekutu Makanan Slimming

Sistem pencernaan dalam waktu sekitar 20 menit, menghasilkan refleksi dari kepenuhan yang pengiriman saraf ke otak oleh sinyal perut. Pada waktu itu menonaktifkan keinginan untuk makanan.
Untuk membuat efek ini bekerja alami dan membantu meningkatkan siluet, Anda dapat menggunakan makanan dan produk yang mengurangi perasaan kenyang dan nafsu makan mengaktifkan menutup keluar makanan tinggi kalori ...


Serat bertindak seperti spons. Membengkak di perut untuk menghasilkan efek kenyang dan juga mengurangi penyerapan gula dan lemak makanan lainnya.

Karbohidrat ini hadir dalam roti, biji-bijian, kacang-kacangan, buah-buahan, sayuran dan kacang-kacangan. Tidak hanya meningkatkan transit usus dan mencegah sembelit, tetapi juga memiliki nilai energi dari nol, yang membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan dalam dua cara. Di satu sisi, membantu mengurangi asupan kalori sebagai makanan yang mengandung serat yang sedikit lemak dan karena itu memiliki sedikit kalori. Selain itu, sebagai makanan ini membengkak di perut seperti spons, menghasilkan efek kenyang dan secara otomatis mengurangi nafsu makan.

Kami sarankan mengambil 30 gram serat per hari. Sebaiknya tidak menghabiskan terlalu banyak sulit karena penyerapan mineral. Hal ini juga lebih baik untuk menjadi meningkatkan asupan secara bertahap sehingga tubuh akan digunakan, sampai dengan maksimum yang disarankan. Di sisi lain, mengambil banyak cairan, sebaiknya air, karena serat menyerap dalam kelimpahan; untuk melakukannya, Anda bahkan dapat sembelit.
Memasukkan serat melalui makanan seperti beras merah, dan beberapa biji-bijian lain, buah-buahan dan sayuran juga meyakinkan Anda mendetoksifikasi tubuh Anda, menurunkan berat badan sehat dan menjaga berat badan yang tepat.

Seimbang berat badan Diet dan Makanan Ligth

akibat diet
Membuat diet seimbang dan pergi menonton beberapa ketidaksesuaian (kadang-kadang masuk akal) saat makan membantu Anda untuk memperbaiki dan kembali ke alamat yang benar jika Anda ingin menurunkan dan mempertahankan peso.Si Anda Anda berhati-hati saat makan, Anda mencoba untuk memimpin diet seimbang, meskipun ini, berat badan bertambah, Anda harus memperhatikan: makanan dan kalori yang Anda konsumsi dalam sehari, dan olahraga, atau kebiasaan yang paling umum diarios.Las alasan gerakan tidak menurunkan berat badan rendah aktivitas fisik atau konsumsi kalori yang berlebihan. Akan mudah untuk mengetahui apakah Anda melakukan sedikit latihan. Jika hal ini terjadi, Anda telah mengidentifikasi masalah dan diet seimbang untuk menjadi sukses, Anda harus mengatasi batas-batas ini yang mencegah Anda memasukkan lebih banyak aktivitas fisik.

Tapi makanan tidak selalu mudah untuk melihat ketika kita melakukan sesuatu yang salah. Kalori bisa "disembunyikan" dalam makanan yang tampak sehat dan kalori rendah tapi benar-benar memiliki banyak lemak per porsi (atau, jauh lebih dari yang Anda pikirkan), seperti dalam kasus makanan yang disebut ligth.
Bahwa makanan ringan tidak berarti Anda tidak memiliki kalori. Ini hanya berarti Anda memiliki kalori lebih sedikit dari versi "normal". Jika Anda melihat pada label kemasan, Anda akan melihat bahwa, dengan beberapa pengecualian, mereka semua mencerminkan jumlah kalori untuk diabaikan.

Banyak jenis yogurt, termasuk yogurt beku mungkin memiliki rendah lemak tapi tinggi gula dan kalori. Anda harus memilih yogurt rendah lemak, selalu makan di moderasi.
Makanan ringan adalah sekutu penting dari diet, tapi tidak ada yang diperoleh dengan mengkonsumsi tanpa batas. Biasakan untuk memeriksa label setiap produk untuk mengetahui berapa banyak kalori yang tersembunyi.

Makanan lain yang mengandung kalori yang cukup dan makan hampir tanpa disadari, adalah bumbu:
Tampaknya tidak signifikan di samping makanan utama, tetapi masing-masing bumbu sendok teh ditambahkan akun. Mayones, mentega, margarin, selai dan salad dressing yang sangat umum dan "tak terlihat" cara untuk menambahkan lemak dan kalori untuk diet kita.

  1. Sebuah sesendok makanan penutup:
  2. Mayones: menambahkan 80 kalori ekstra
  3. Marmalade: menambahkan 30 kalori
  4. Manteca: menambahkan 75 kalori
  5. Salsa saja: menambahkan 70 kalori
  6. Minyak (ditambahkan ke salad): antara 90-110 kalori (jika media sendok makan)

Untuk memberikan rasa untuk makanan tanpa menambahkan kalori ekstra bumbu seperti cuka balsamic, kecap, cuka, lemon juice Provencal atau direkomendasikan. Menggunakan saus tomat dan mustard di moderasi karena mereka membawa garam.

Kopi dapat memberikan kontribusi lain 70 kalori jika Anda makan gula atau krim, seperti teh dengan madu, yang menambahkan sekitar 30 kalori ekstra per sendok makan, dan semua dikalikan dengan jumlah kali Anda konsumsi sehari-hari ! Ini opsional tambahkan susu skim untuk kopi dan teh bukan krim atau susu.
Kasus lain untuk meningkatkan diet seimbang dan untuk menurunkan berat badan dan mempertahankannya, sedang mencoba untuk menghilangkan konsumsi soda: 1 gelas soda memberi kita 84 kalori kaleng, antara 100 dan 150 kalori, dan banyak gula ... tidak ada quality.The nutrisi pada alkohol, bir gadis memberikan sekitar 140 kalori, dan makanan kecil, 150 kalori ...

Jadi jika Anda ingin mempertahankan diet seimbang untuk menurunkan berat badan, menjaga berat badan Anda, yang efisien, mengamati beberapa label dan memilih beberapa makanan atas orang lain yang membawa kalori yang tidak perlu, dan perlu diingat bahwa makanan "ligth" juga berkontribusi mereka kalori, tapi tidak seperti itu! (Sumber Referensi: Dr Alberto Cormillot.)

Anda makan malam setidaknya tiga jam sebelum tidur

Kehilangan berat badan dengan cepat tidak baik bagi tubuh, diet sehat melibatkan proses bertahap karena jika Anda adelgazas cepat, setelah beberapa waktu lalu untuk mendapatkan kembali yang berhasil menurunkan berat badan sebagai lemak, dan juga telah kehilangan otot dan otot ... Jika Anda menerapkan tips ini teratur, Anda dapat mencapai membakar lemak itu, menghapus, dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot Anda, untuk secara bertahap meningkatkan muscular.Las nada kedua hal ini saling: menurunkan berat badan dan meningkatkan bagian-bagian tubuh yang mau tidak mau menjadi "flojitas". ..

Terapkan hari ini 4 tips untuk mendapatkan kekuatan otot dan menurunkan berat badan sehat:

* Memutuskan untuk memiliki sikap yang tepat: itu keputusan Anda: itu adalah logis langkah pertama, yang memungkinkan Anda melakukan hal-hal dengan kontinuitas: mengubah beberapa kebiasaan, memutuskan untuk melakukan beberapa bergerak, rincian sehari-hari kecil: akan menjadi besar untuk melakukan olahraga, tapi jika Anda tidak memilih untuk berjalan, bergerak, berdiri, untuk sementara duduk / atau kantor dan bergerak, atas, bawah tangga, (dari rendah ke tinggi, harian kecil), dll ... Itu keputusan Anda ...

* Menghormati siklus alami tubuh: ini berarti makan penyebaran seimbang 4-6 makanan sehari-hari pada waktu adecuados.Los siklus alam masing-masing sekitar 8:

Siklus Penghapusan berkisar 4 atau 6 pagi sampai 12 atau 14 pm siang: dalam siklus ini tubuh menghilangkan toxinas.Es jus buah yang nyaman, buah segar dan sarapan ringan, jika Anda ingin menurunkan berat badan. ..

Siklus Kepemilikan: Noon (12, 14 siang sampai 20 pm atau 22 pm.): Berikut memberikan makan siang, teh dan makan malam, lembaga "menerima" makanan, Anda harus makan diet seimbang yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menurunkan berat badan dan mendapatkan otot.

Siklus asimilasi: setelah diambil makanan, jangan makan lebih banyak! setelah 20 atau 22 jam .Stopping tubuh pergi "pengorganisasian", jadi ...

* ... Anda makan malam setidaknya tiga jam sebelum tidur, sehingga tubuh asimilasi nutrisi dengan baik. Jika Anda pergi ke tempat tidur pada perut penuh, tak lama setelah makan malam, makanan menjadi racun ... Dan racun menjadi kelebihan berat badan ... dan menumpuk di daerah-daerah yang Anda tahu.

* Melakukan diet seimbang: diet seimbang, Anda bisa kehilangan paling banyak 2 kg dalam seminggu, prestasi adalah jangka menengah, dan yang terbaik adalah untuk kesehatan Anda: kehilangan lemak dan meningkatkan otot Anda, mohon ..dale waktu untuk tubuh Anda dan dengan demikian dapat menurunkan berat badan secara sehat !!
Latihan untuk Menurunkan Berat Badan

Ada latihan tertentu untuk menurunkan berat badan, yang beroperasi lebih dari yang lain, yang berarti mereka dapat membakar lebih banyak kalori dan lemak .... Beberapa sarjana dan peneliti dari Duke University, Amerika Serikat, menganalisis berbagai faktor yang melakukan, beberapa latihan untuk kehilangan berat badan lebih efektif daripada yang lain ...
Beberapa kesimpulan kita sebagai hasil dari penelitiannya adalah:

Latihan yang lebih intens dan berkepanjangan, membakar orang lebih banyak lemak.
Anda menjalankan hampir dua kali membakar lemak daripada berjalan pada kecepatan yang moderat ... tapi untuk memulai, dianjurkan untuk berjalan lebih lambat dan seperti hari-hari pergi secara bertahap meningkatkan intensitas dan waktu setiap kenaikan.
Latihan resistensi dan akan "melawan hukum gravitasi" sebagai memanjat tangga, skating, menari, berjalan ... membantu membakar lebih banyak lemak daripada berenang, bersepeda atau aerobik air.
Jika latihan melibatkan mendaki bukit, satu orang membakar lebih banyak kalori daripada yang Anda akan di metode llano.Este digunakan oleh beberapa tim sepak bola di latihan pra-musim mereka untuk mendapatkan fit dan mencapai kaki perlawanan.

Kemampuan atau tidak untuk melakukan latihan pengaruh membakar lebih banyak atau lebih sedikit lemak:
Mereka yang kurang keterampilan dilakukan gerakan yang tidak perlu atau harus bekerja lebih keras selama latihan, sehingga mereka membakar lebih banyak lemak per jam dibandingkan mereka yang dilakukan serentak lebih ...

Pengaruh genetika: lebih mudah untuk menurunkan berat badan, juga kadang-kadang tergantung pada organisme setiap orang berdasarkan genetik mereka ... Sebagai contoh, orang-orang dengan persentase rendah serat otot kedutan lambat tampak kurang mampu membakar lemak di otot rangka. Sehingga mereka memiliki kesulitan yang lebih besar menurunkan berat badan saat mereka latihan.
Jenis kelamin juga mempengaruhi: wanita cenderung membakar lemak lebih dangkal ...
Namun, mereka memiliki kesulitan yang lebih besar daripada laki-laki menyingkirkan lemak
perut. Mengapa? Karena deposit ini ditambah yang terakumulasi di paha dan bokong, cenderung terlihat jauh lebih karena terkait dengan ibu. Merupakan akumulasi dari pembuangan lemak yang sulit, tetapi bukan tidak mungkin ...

Untuk mencapai hal ini perlu untuk mengikuti rencana yang menggabungkan latihan aerobik durasi panjang, biasanya tidak melebihi 45 menit, ditambah equilibraday diet berkelanjutan dari waktu ke waktu.
Jika Anda ingin membaca Nasihat lebih menarik untuk Perempuan dan download buku gratis:

Kemudian, mempertimbangkan bahwa 99% dari kilo yang hilang dengan diet ketat
dan, di atas semua, tanpa disertai aktivitas fisik pulih dalam waktu kurang dari satu año.Inclusive jika diet terlalu ketat dan membuat Anda "kelaparan" efek rebound yang dihasilkan: Anda mendapatkan berat badan bahkan lebih dari sebelumnya.

Oleh karena itu, latihan adalah kunci untuk rencana sukses dan berkelanjutan ...

Jadi secara keseluruhan, latihan terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan terdiri dari kegiatan intensitas sedang, namun tahan lama, intens berjalan atau jogging sekitar 45 menit adalah pilihan yang baik.
Pilihan lain: bermain di luar dengan anak-anak Anda ... misalnya ... "noda" untuk "tersembunyi": ini akan membiarkan Anda membakar sekitar 100 kalori dalam 15 menit dan juga ... menyenangkan !.

Akumulasi racun benar-benar menghasilkan penambahan berat badan

Pola makan yang buruk, polusi, dan faktor stres sehari-hari, meracuni tubuh, menyebabkan waktu cansancio.Con, racun menyebabkan masalah kesehatan dengan akumulasi lemak dan kelebihan berat badan, penuaan, penampilan buruk dari risiko penyakit kulit dan lain-lain

Akumulasi racun benar-benar menghasilkan penambahan berat badan karena mereka menjadi penumpukan lemak bagian karakteristik tubuh seperti perut, punggung, paha, di bawah dagu, dll ... Tubuh tidak bisa menghilangkannya dan akan "menumpuk" di daerah-daerah atau "deposito" ... menunggu mereka untuk pensiun.

Intinya adalah bahwa jika diet tidak memadai dan masih mengkonsumsi racun, tubuh akan mengikuti limbah beracun ini menumpuk ... dan berkembang kelebihan berat badan yang dihasilkan ...
Apa yang harus dilakukan: saatnya untuk mengubah diet, mengatur jadwal, misalnya makan malam tiga jam sebelum tidur setidaknya, adalah yang paling aconsejable.Además untuk mengkonsumsi lebih banyak buah dan sayuran dan meninggalkan gaya hidup untuk pindah ke menjalani hidup dengan aktivitas fisik secara teratur.

Makan diet seimbang kaya buah-buahan, sayuran, minum banyak air, hindari makanan kalengan, membatasi konsumsi daging, permen, kopi dan alkohol, membantu detoksifikasi tubuh Anda dan mencegah Anda dari semua masalah ini.

Dan kadang-kadang, melaksanakan rencana untuk detoksifikasi tubuh ... Jika Anda memiliki masalah kesehatan lebih baik dari sebelumnya, konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda.

Rencana untuk detoksifikasi, melibatkan mengambil jus buah dan sayuran, sehingga setiap jus tertentu, bekerja pada suatu daerah atau badan sistem baik semua kasus definido.En harus minum 1/2 liter per hari jus tersebut, selama 2 hari saja.

Itu paling banyak 1 liter per minggu (tersebar di dua hari), dan dapat dilakukan selama 2-4 minggu di awal efek sumo.Los akan mungkin (tergantung pada masing-masing tubuh), sedikit sakit kepala, bau mulut, beberapa ketidaknyamanan, tapi itu adalah tanda bahwa Anda memperoleh mendetoksifikasi tubuh Anda dan bersifat sementara, kemudian mereda.

Rencana untuk detoksifikasi melibatkan mengambil jus (puasa terbaik dan / atau jauh dari makan siang), dan dengan jumlah tersebut (total asupan mengamati minggu 1 liter), menjaga pola makan sehari-hari seimbang:

Serat apel membantu usus jus apel kebersihan

Detoksifikasi tubuh memiliki banyak manfaat ... Konsekuensi dari badan mabuk banyak dan berkisar dari sakit kepala, malaise, gangguan saraf, kelelahan, penuaan kulit, rambut beruban, tubuh bengkak.
Sebuah rencana untuk detoksifikasi tubuh harus dimulai dengan kondisi dasar: mengurangi konsumsi alkohol, kopi, minuman ringan, makanan olahan, dll ...

Juga mengkonsumsi daging berlemak apalagi, makanan tinggi lemak, dll ...
Nyaman, makan lebih banyak makanan segar dan alami bebas racun, sayuran, buah-buahan, biji-bijian, makanan alami, harus mengganti makanan olahan dan menghasilkan toksin.
Toksin, itu baik untuk diingat, menghasilkan kelebihan berat badan ketika tubuh tidak bisa menghilangkannya, sehingga obesitas yang lebih besar, selain masalah kesehatan.
Beberapa makanan yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam diet seimbang Anda, dan detoksifikasi:
Selada air merupakan sumber yang sangat baik dari vitamin C, E, beta karoten dan minerales.Fué lama digunakan untuk mengobati masalah hati dan ginjal.

Integral roti: roti gandum mengandung sebagai "koreng" sereal yang berfungsi sebagai "spons" yang menyerap dan menghilangkan racun dalam kotoran, membersihkan usus Anda atraviesan.Es kaya akan vitamin B, menjaga kesehatan kulit dan sistem saraf.

Apel: serat apel membantu usus jus apel kebersihan membantu menghilangkan racun dan mengurangi kolesterol.

Anggur: mengandung antioksidan dan bioflavonoid yang melindungi sel-sel dan merangsang proses pemurnian.

Peterseli kaya akan vitamin C, zat besi, kalsium dan antioksidan, membantu mengaktifkan fungsi ginjal dan ginjal yang lebih baik menyaring zat-zat beracun dalam darah.
Seledri: memerangi keberadaan asam urat dan metabolismo.Limpia limbah beracun lainnya membersihkan saluran kemih dan hati.

Lemon: membantu menghilangkan asam urat, membuat darah lebih basa, yang mencegah banyak penyakit.
Peach: membantu membersihkan kandung empedu, mengandung vitamin C dan kalium, mineral yang mengatur tekanan darah dan membantu menghilangkan cairan dipertahankan dalam tubuh.
Brown Rice: mengandung phytin, suatu zat yang membantu mengusir racun dari tubuh.

Minum air: Minum banyak air membantu menghilangkan racun, terutama jika air yang Anda konsumsi adalah kualitas air, jika memungkinkan mineralisasi dengan sodium rendah