Today, May 29, and six months after that day when Paula came into this world
I remember it all in my mind as if it had been much longer, but in turn, I have flown past six months, if I had to be reduced to one word, it would certainly be Love.But in this post he wanted to devote to list so many things that now I have not had before, as many as before and now I have had, and a lot of things I now know and did not know before.
- I have a six mesecitos Princess is the prettiest thing on this planet, and that before he was in our lives, never imagined could come to love so much.
- I have a dad Paula I already had, but he has given and continues to give as much height as a couple and as a father, who can love you more.
- I have a decent ability best songwriters, to invent and transform lullabies and songs that only talk about my princess.
- I am very, very sleepy! and superhuman strength that makes sticking a jump at the first sigh of the baby in the middle of the night.
- I always have tears to the surface, and cry a lot faster than before, especially if I find any injustice committed against children.
- I always wanted to laugh, dance and play with my little, and when I get angry at something or someone, just have to look at your face happens to me all at once !.
- I and read a stack of books on pregnancy, parenting, breastfeeding, babies, ... and never have enough !.I always want more !.
- I have much more knowledge than before parenting, follow a lot of blogs that talk about it. And I've discovered that there is so much on the internet about attachment parenting, which has made me see I'm not alone in many of the things I thought.And every day more and more !.
- I have a lot more enthusiasm if they fit, to devote my training and experience everything about parenting and children in general. Having Paula has not only increased my desire to know everything that has to do with your needs, your little world and its relation to our big world.
- I have more capacity (though not all desirable) to not affect me other people's comments about the "bad habits" that kid with my daughter.
- Do not feel like going out at night.
- Do not feel the need to talk so much about, to have my own time without it, or return to work, or having what they call my personal space just for me. Now my space no longer conceive without it. Fortunately or unfortunately my time to myself will return when she begins to reclaim his all to herself ...
- I developed an incredible ability to do all sorts of things with it above or next to me. Pluck my eyebrows, reading and writing on the computer, cut or file the nails, brush my teeth, eat! ha ha ha.
- I have a kind of nostalgia every time I see a belly, and now that I do not hear anyone feel a little envy, and I would still feel pregnant again.
- I have two breasts full of milk they are able to feed my baby and fight a lot of diseases.
- I have a super-power that no one else in my family has, and that is when Paula has crippled much much sleep, and my arms make snuggle in them and they are closing their eyes go alone.
- And since very few days ago, we can take a walk, and take the chubby finger to mouth !. But yes, only the fat, it seems that others do not liked them away and we ... The only sucks his thumb.
- But above all, I have the good fortune to have lived the best experience as a woman could live. Go slowly creating for 9 months my baby, feel it inside me how grew, feel made its way into the world and have been with him day by day, minute by minute, during these six months. It is a gift you have given me life and the worth anything. Tips hidup sehat
Beginning next month, will be another story ... We can no longer spend all day together, but I'm sure we'll still stronger and overcome!